Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jake Finishes Coach Pitch Season

Jake finished his coach pitch baseball season and really enjoyed the experience, although it was already starting to get hot in June. The team, the Colorado Rockies, were much better than previous seasons of t-ball so it was fun to watch. Jake had lots of hits on the season, but was one of the younger kids on the team. His good friend Bryce, who is 8, was also on the team...and in one of the funnier moments of the season, actually lapped Jake while running the bases!

Jake volunteered to catch one game and got to suit up in all the equipment. He sure does look cool in this picture. However, he would forget to stand up once the batter got a hit and he was sandwiched in between his player and the runner during one play at the plate! He came out of in unscathed and even asked to stay in the game, although his Mom was horrified!

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